Hosea Youth.
Hosea Youth is a place for middle and high school students to build relationships and have fun as they experience the transformational power of God’s word.
Our aim is for students to be authentic followers of Jesus who hear, know, believe, love, and live out the truth of the gospel. We want students to grow in spiritual maturity and also go to share God’s truth with others in their schools, co-op groups, teams, neighborhoods, etc. We believe in doing these two together through meaningful friendship, authentic discussion, and consistent dependence upon the Word of God to do the works of God through the Spirit of God! We encourage students to invite friends, teammates, neighbors, etc. along with them to youth to hear the Bible taught, have fun, and build friendships with one another. During the night we eat snacks, play a game, worship in song, engage as the Bible is taught verse by verse, and then break out into groups for discussion. We end the night with prayer, asking God for His help to give the growth (1 Corinthians 3:7).
Youth Group - Monday Nights
Luke Dillard
Youth Leader
Luke is our youth leader at Hosea Church. If you'd like to drop by or get more information, feel free to email Luke by clicking the button below.